* Copyright (c) Pickware GmbH. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of software that is released under a proprietary license.
* You must not copy, modify, distribute, make publicly available, or execute
* its contents or parts thereof without express permission by the copyright
* holder, unless otherwise permitted by law.
namespace Pickware\ShopwareExtensionsBundle\OrderConfiguration;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Pickware\DalBundle\RetryableTransaction;
use Pickware\DalBundle\Sql\SqlUuid;
use Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\OrderEvents;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Event\EntityWrittenEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class OrderConfigurationUpdater implements EventSubscriberInterface
private Connection $connection;
public function __construct(Connection $connection)
$this->connection = $connection;
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
OrderEvents::ORDER_WRITTEN_EVENT => 'orderWritten',
OrderEvents::ORDER_DELIVERY_WRITTEN_EVENT => 'orderDeliveryWritten',
OrderEvents::ORDER_DELIVERY_DELETED_EVENT => 'updateOrderConfigurationAfterDeliveryOrTransactionDeletion',
OrderEvents::ORDER_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN_EVENT => 'orderTransactionWritten',
OrderEvents::ORDER_TRANSACTION_DELETED_EVENT => 'updateOrderConfigurationAfterDeliveryOrTransactionDeletion',
* This subscriber method only ensures that the order configuration exists (without updating the actual primary
* delivery state or primary transaction state) when an order is written. If an order is written _with_ a delivery
* or transaction, the other events (ORDER_DELIVERY_WRITTEN_EVENT and/or ORDER_TRANSACTION_WRITTEN_EVENT) will be
* triggered as well, which in turn will update the primary states of the order configuration.
* So in production this lone "ensure order configuration exists" subscriber is relevant for creating orders
* without order deliveries or order transactions. This way we can ensure that the order configuration extension
* always exists.
public function orderWritten(EntityWrittenEvent $event): void
$orderIds = [];
foreach ($event->getWriteResults() as $writeResult) {
$payload = $writeResult->getPayload();
if (!array_key_exists('id', $payload)) {
// If an order is deleted, this event is also triggered and there is no ID in the payload. The ON DELETE
// CASCADE foreign key will delete the order configuration extension.
$orderIds[] = $payload['id'];
* This event is dispatched when an order delivery is created or updated (not when it is deleted).
public function orderDeliveryWritten(EntityWrittenEvent $event): void
$orderIds = $this->getOrderIdsFromOrderAssociationWrittenEvent($event, 'order_delivery');
if (count($orderIds) === 0) {
RetryableTransaction::retryable($this->connection, function () use ($orderIds): void {
* This event is dispatched when an order transaction is created or updated (not when it is deleted).
public function orderTransactionWritten(EntityWrittenEvent $event): void
$orderIds = $this->getOrderIdsFromOrderAssociationWrittenEvent($event, 'order_transaction');
if (count($orderIds) === 0) {
RetryableTransaction::retryable($this->connection, function () use ($orderIds): void {
private function getOrderIdsFromOrderAssociationWrittenEvent(
EntityWrittenEvent $event,
string $orderAssociationTableName
): array {
$ids = [];
foreach ($event->getWriteResults() as $writeResult) {
$payload = $writeResult->getPayload();
if (!array_key_exists('id', $payload)) {
// Whenever an order delivery or order transaction is written (created or updated), the 'id' must be
// present in the payload. We are not 100% sure when or how this scenario occurs when there is no id set
// in the payload. But a customer reported it in this SCS Support Ticket 212711.
$ids[] = $payload['id'];
if (count($ids) === 0) {
return [];
return array_unique(array_values($this->connection->fetchFirstColumn(
'SELECT LOWER(HEX(`order_id`)) FROM `' . $orderAssociationTableName . '` WHERE `id` IN (:ids)',
['ids' => array_map('hex2bin', $ids)],
['ids' => Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY],
* @param String[] $orderIds
public function updateOrderConfigurations(array $orderIds): void
if (count($orderIds) === 0) {
RetryableTransaction::retryable($this->connection, function () use ($orderIds): void {
* @param String[] $orderIds
private function ensureOrderConfigurationsExist(array $orderIds): void
'INSERT INTO `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration`
' . SqlUuid::UUID_V4_GENERATION . ',
FROM `order`
WHERE `order`.`id` IN (:orderIds)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration`.`id` = `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration`.`id`',
['orderIds' => array_map('hex2bin', $orderIds)],
['orderIds' => Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY],
* The order transactions and order deliveries are referenced in the
* `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration` table. If such a reference is deleted, the respective
* reference field is nulled due to the ON DELETE SET NULL foreign key. In the ENTITY_DELETED event we have no way
* of knowing which order we have to update, because all references are gone at that point in time. Therefore, we
* check every order that has a null reference on a primary order transaction or order delivery. These should be
* only a few, ideally only the order of the recently deleted reference, because there should be no orders without
* order deliveries or order transactions in production.
* It is also possible that a non-primary order delivery or non-primary order transaction was deleted when this
* subscriber was triggered and this method will return early without any update.
public function updateOrderConfigurationAfterDeliveryOrTransactionDeletion(): void
RetryableTransaction::retryable($this->connection, function (): void {
$orderIds = $this->connection->fetchFirstColumn(
'SELECT LOWER(HEX(`order_id`)) FROM `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration` orderConfiguration
orderConfiguration.`primary_order_delivery_id` IS NULL
OR orderConfiguration.`primary_order_transaction_id` IS NULL
if (!$orderIds) {
* @param String[] $orderIds
private function updatePrimaryOrderDeliveries(array $orderIds): void
'UPDATE `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration` orderConfiguration
LEFT JOIN `order`
ON `order`.`id` = orderConfiguration.`order_id`
AND `order`.`version_id` = orderConfiguration.`order_version_id`
-- Select a single order delivery with the highest shippingCosts.unitPrice as the primary order
-- delivery for the order. This selection strategy is adapted from how order deliveries are selected
-- in the administration. See /administration/src/module/sw-order/view/sw-order-detail-base/index.js
JSON_EXTRACT(`order_delivery`.`shipping_costs`, "$.unitPrice")
) AS `unitPrice`
FROM `order_delivery`
GROUP BY `order_id`, `order_version_id`
) `primary_order_delivery_shipping_cost`
ON `primary_order_delivery_shipping_cost`.`order_id` = `order`.`id`
AND `primary_order_delivery_shipping_cost`.`order_version_id` = `order`.`version_id`
LEFT JOIN `order_delivery`
ON `order_delivery`.`order_id` = `order`.`id`
AND `order_delivery`.`order_version_id` = `order`.`version_id`
AND CAST(JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(`order_delivery`.`shipping_costs`, "$.unitPrice")) AS DECIMAL) = `primary_order_delivery_shipping_cost`.`unitPrice`
SET orderConfiguration.`primary_order_delivery_id` = `order_delivery`.`id`,
orderConfiguration.`primary_order_delivery_version_id` = `order_delivery`.`version_id`
WHERE orderConfiguration.`order_id` IN (:orderIds)',
['orderIds' => array_map('hex2bin', $orderIds)],
['orderIds' => Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY],
* @param String[] $orderIds
private function updatePrimaryOrderTransactions(array $orderIds): void
'UPDATE `pickware_shopware_extensions_order_configuration` orderConfiguration
LEFT JOIN `order`
ON `order`.`id` = orderConfiguration.`order_id`
AND `order`.`version_id` = orderConfiguration.`order_version_id`
-- Select oldest order transaction that is not "cancelled" or "failed" else return the last order transaction.
-- https://github.com/shopware/platform/blob/v6.4.8.1/src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-order/view/sw-order-detail-base/index.js#L91-L98
-- https://github.com/shopware/platform/blob/v6.4.8.1/src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-order/view/sw-order-detail-base/index.js#L207
LEFT JOIN `order_transaction`
ON `order_transaction`.`id` = (
SELECT innerOrderTransaction.`id`
FROM `order_transaction` innerOrderTransaction
LEFT JOIN `state_machine_state` AS innerOrderTransactionState
ON innerOrderTransactionState.`id` = innerOrderTransaction.`state_id`
WHERE innerOrderTransaction.`order_id` = `order`.`id`
AND innerOrderTransaction.`version_id` = `order`.`version_id`
innerOrderTransactionState.`technical_name` = "cancelled" OR
innerOrderTransactionState.`technical_name` = "failed"
), 0, 1) DESC,
innerOrderTransaction.created_at ASC
) AND `order_transaction`.`version_id` = `order`.`version_id`
SET orderConfiguration.`primary_order_transaction_id` = `order_transaction`.`id`,
orderConfiguration.`primary_order_transaction_version_id` = `order_transaction`.`version_id`
WHERE orderConfiguration.`order_id` IN (:orderIds)',
['orderIds' => array_map('hex2bin', $orderIds)],
['orderIds' => Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY],