custom/plugins/SmartsuppChat/src/Resources/views/storefront/base.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% sw_extends '@@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block base_body_script %}
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  28.                     window.smartsupp||(function(d) {
  29.                         var s,c,o=smartsupp=function(){ o._.push(arguments)};o._=[];
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  37.                     } else {
  38.                         smartsupp('analyticsConsent', false);
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  41.                         smartsupp('marketingConsent', true);
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  43.                         smartsupp('marketingConsent', false);
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  45.                     {% if hasColor %}
  46.                         _smartsupp.color = '{{ Color }}';
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  48.                     {% if hasConfig %}
  49.                         {{ Config }}
  50.                     {% endif %}
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  52.                         {{ Api }}
  53.                     {% endif %}
  54.                 }
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  59.                     _smartsupp.offsetY = 65;
  60.                     {% if hasColor %}
  61.                         _smartsupp.color = '{{ Color }}';
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  63.                 window.smartsupp||(function(d) {
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  70.                 smartsupp('analyticsConsent', true);
  71.                 smartsupp('marketingConsent', true);
  72.                 {% if hasConfig %}
  73.                     {{ Config }}
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  76.                     {{ Api }}
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